Mar 10, 2007

My experiences with CEE in the 1st week as an intern in DRM

Disaster Risk management popularly DRM.. I believe U dont get to know the importance of it till u get into it..
I would like to thank Keren of Centre for Environment Education (CEE) for giving me this woderful oppurtunity to know a lot more by sending me to kolkata to a wonderful organisation called prism with whom i am working right now and will be here in kolkata for the next few weeks.

The first week the insight which Ashok jain sir, madhavi madam and rajini madam of CEE gave about sustainable development, Disaster mitigation, management and alot more was amazing, the seminars of Mr. Ashok from Redr, and GREEN and the small interaction with a person from Oxfam was amazing. I dint realise the ideas i had untill i was part of drawing the sustainable pyramid.

Sustainable eveleopment is such a vast topic and giving us a insight of the whole concept with in just one week was amazing.

And the best part is when we all went to sirkali, the field visit amazing, the best thing i have ever done, Mr.Shriji gave a good discrption, where as Mr.Anathan led us in the field, giving us wrong information as it is in case of a disaster so that we confirm it talking to farmers. It was a simulation of a real disaster happening. we had been to go to a sunami hit village where there was no loss of human life. An Agricultural village actually, most of us know only about fisherman families, as the affect of tsunami is visble there but the village which we have been to was indirectly affected, the livelihood has been affected. The fertility of farms was lost, the compensation was being given to the owners and not to the farmer who takes it on lease, after the tsunami even when the daily labour is leaving, the psycological factor plays a important role here. CEE took a step of raising voice and working there by proviing information to the farmers on how to treat the land and by they themselves starting a farm to encourage farmers, CEE also started shaping the canal so that the daily labour start working and farmers stay motivated, a wonderful aproach I say..

K any way then then we ha to prepare a initial relief report an present it along with other group who did a study on a fisheren village.

The whole excercise made us realise the ground realities, before we started to our placements, It also built a team spirit and confience, I thank the team in sirkali for keepin i mind the minutest detail and making us experience the best thing we could ask for.