Apr 23, 2010

Home Energy Audits

To save energy at home you first need to know what you should do to reduce it. Home energy audit is the first step to assess how much energy your home consumes and to evaluate what measures you can take to make your home more energy efficient. Small changes like changing light bulbs can make a difference in your energy bills. But to know the pay back period and if there is significant difference in the actions you take at home a energy audit is a must. Check out the links below for more information

Do it yourself 

Details on how energy audits are conducted in a more technical sense.

Apr 8, 2010

The Story of Bottled Water

Interesting story on how bottled water indirectly causes pollution unseen to the eye.. I always used to say no to bottled water because of the disposal of plastic but came to know a lot of other facts with this video. And am really glad my fiance said that she will not drink bottled water again :)

what i felt interesting was the fact it shows how much of energy is used to produce bottled water compared to tap water. Check out the video below

The story of bottled water

Apr 7, 2010

Comparison of carbon dioxide emissions

Total Emissions(Million metric tons of CO2)
Per Capita Emissions(Tons/capita)
2.United States5902.7519.78
8.United Kingdom585.719.66
9.South Korea514.5310.53
12.South Africa443.5810.04
14.Saudi Arabia424.0815.70
The picture that emerges from these figures is one where in general developed countries and major emerging economy nations lead in total carbon dioxide emissions. Developed nations typically have high carbon dioxide emissions per capita, while some developing countries lead in the growth rate of carbon dioxide emissions. Obviously, these uneven contributions to the climate problem are at the core of the challenges the world community faces in finding effective and equitable solutions. 

 Its interesting to see how Australia has the highest per capita emissions and they have recently signed Kyoto and are on a massive campaign to reduce their emissions. Hopefully they will get their emissions down. And also note that India has the least per capita but ranks 4th among the total emissions, clearly shows the major disadvantages of population. This charts actually help us think how i counties like Australia and US there needs to be more emphasis on individuals and in India it needs to be on policy and organisations. I don't mean we shouldn't educate individuals in India but policy changes need to be made asap. 

Source for graphs and chart: Union of concerned scientists 

Right to electricity not at the cost of damaging environment

  1. 1.6 billion people — a quarter of humanity — live without electricity:

    Breaking that down further:
    Number of people living without electricity
    RegionMillions without electricity
    South Asia706
    Sub-Saharan Africa547
    East Asia224
  2. I am sure you will accept with me that they need electricity to keep their homes warm in winter and have atleast an electric fan in summer. Providing electricity is  solving half the problems they have, just imagine how much of energy is needed if we need to provide everyone electricity. And if we continue the same way we produce electricity by burning coal and diverting rivers etc we will only be disturbing the ecology and environment at alarming rates. I do understand that its a really important issue to provide every one with electricity but it also matters how we provide it without causing any harm to the environment.
    I think we can solve these problems by going green and going on massive changes in the way we produce electricity. The policy changes need to take place to make sure that having electricity is a right to everyone but not at the cost of damaging environment.